Cancer Cell Club Meeting

By Ariane Tsai, C2ST Intern, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Institute for Genomic Biology

Hello fellow cells,

If you are reading this, you must be interested in learning about cancer! My name is Tumor Cell, and I am the President of this Cancer Cell Club. We had our first meeting last Monday where we introduced the executive board members. In case you missed the meeting, I have attached the slides introducing the members below. They are all hardworking cells like me who play a role in sustaining cancer in the human body! Now, if you are interested in contributing more (as a member or as an executive member), please do not hesitate to contact me. We are always looking for more enthusiastic members to join the club!

That’s all for now! I hope you all can make it to our next weekly meeting. As always, look out for the cells orchestrating the anti-cancer movement. Since the founding of this club, immune cells (T cells, B cells, macrophages, etc.) have officially declared war on us. So stay vigilant and safe out there!


Tumor Cell, President of the Cancer Cell Club

  1. Tumor Cell 
  2. Cancer Stem Cell
  3. Tumor Endothelial Cells
  4. CAFs

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