January 10, 2017

The Radler
2375 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL, USA

According to popular media, there seems to be a new cure/treatment/fad for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) every few months.  But sadly, the number of patients keeps rising, as does the fear and desperation of family, friends, and those at risk.

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“He pointed out to him the bearings of the coast, explained to him the variations of the compass, and taught him to read in that vast book opened over our heads which they call heaven, and where God writes in azure with letters of diamonds.” — Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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November 17, 2016

IIT Downtown Campus Auditorium
565 W Adams St, Chicago, IL, USA

To prevent an increase in global average temperatures that would pose unacceptable risks to life on Earth, we must rapidly and significantly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

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October 27, 2016

British International School of Chicago, Lincoln Park
814 West Eastman Street, Chicago, IL, USA

The human race, like all macrobiological life, evolved in a sea of microbes. There was no way to keep the bacterial and archaeal hoards at bay, so instead life evolved mechanisms to live with these invaders. The immune system was refined over millions of years to control our interaction with the microbial world, and even to use it as a mechanism of defense, food processing, and vitamin production. Read more…

October 6, 2016

Loyola University Center for Translational Research & Education
2160 South 1st Avenue, Maywood, IL, USA

The brain is what allows us to function, yet we understand little about how it works.

Using electrodes implanted inside people’s brains during surgery we can learn how thinking, deciding, feeling and dreaming works. In this talk, you will learn about the current neuroscience research about the way our neurons code our behavior, and how understanding this can help us grasp the nature of free will and our identity kernels. Read more…

Running 26.2 miles.

The human body wasn’t exactly designed to accomplish this, let alone very easily.

The toll a marathon takes on a body cannot be taken lightly: the inflammatory storm caused in the body can wreak havoc, affecting myriad bodily functions. In order to achieve this feat of athleticism. one must prepare, with months of training and strategic planning. Read more…