How real are the dinosaurs in Jurassic World? Find out and ask your own questions at our Speakeasy on June 21st!

Ever since the 1993 classic Jurassic Park and its subsequent sequels were unleashed into the world, the series has ushered in a new generation of public fascination into prehistoric Earth and inspired a new generation of paleontologists from all over the world. But has the Jurassic Park series been able to keep up with the latest paleontological discoveries, or is the series facing extinction in light of new dinosaur science? Is it possible to tease the paleo-science from paleo-fiction? What is in the realm of possibility or merely speculation concerning these enigmatic, extinct creatures? Join paleontologist Dr. Eric Gorscak in Science Spoilers: Jurassic World as he discusses the evolving science witnessed in both the field of paleontology and in the blockbuster Jurassic Park movie series from the past 30 years.


Watch the event here!

Renowned Northwestern University molecular bioscientist Neil Kelleher, who stands 5’0” tall in his socks, and his good friend Luka Mircovic, 6’11”, a former power forward for the 2012 Northwestern Wildcats, will discuss the role of proteins in human health, disease, and how they can shape the diagnostics of the future. Continue reading “The Long and Short of Proteomics: How Proteins Shape Who We Are”

The smell of roses, the taste of chocolate, and a touch of lipstick all have a few things in common. Of course, these items are often associated with Valentine’s Day, but they also are a great example of the various ways we are exposed to chemicals in our everyday lives. In this Science Speakeasy, we will evaluate the entire journey of some common chemicals, from point of manufacture to human exposure, and understand how risk assessors and regulators determine the safety of a chemical before its introduction into the environment and market