How do fish and other marine species find forever homes? How long do they remain drifters?

Adults spawn and release eggs that hatch into larvae that temporarily join the drifting communities of the open ocean, plankton. What happens from there is not easy to study–larvae are tiny; almost invisible, and the ocean is huge. Continue reading “Tales From the Sea: How do Baby Fish and Other Marine Species Find Forever Homes?”

Running 26.2 miles.

The human body wasn’t exactly designed to accomplish this, let alone very easily.

The toll a marathon takes on a body cannot be taken lightly: the inflammatory storm caused in the body can wreak havoc, affecting myriad bodily functions. In order to achieve this feat of athleticism. one must prepare, with months of training and strategic planning. Continue reading “C2ST Speakeasy: “The Metabolism of a Marathon” with Kelly Kester”

The drinking you do in your teenage years may affect your children.

Underage drinkers in the United States account for over 20 percent of all alcohol consumption in the United States. Over 90 percent of underage drinking is consumed in binge drinking patterns, defined as raising the blood alcohol level above the legal driving limit (0.08%) within two hours. Continue reading “C2ST Speakeasy: “Inherited Effects of Teenage Binge Drinking” with AnnaDorothea Asimes”

Almost every day, something about meditation and mindfulness appears in the news. The reports suggest that these practices will make us healthier, happier, keep our brains healthy, and make us more successful. Meditation is the new miracle intervention that improves everything for everyone. But what exactly are meditation and mindfulness? Continue reading “C2ST Speakeasy: “The Hype Versus the Science of Meditation and Mindfulness” with Dr. Marcia Grabowecky”